Authorizer Information
Aurora Charter School has been authorized by the Osprey Wilds (OW) Environmental Learning Center, formerly Audubon Center of the North Woods (ACNW), since 2006 and looks forward to continued collaboration in the years to come.
The authorizing mission of OW is to ensure quality academic and environmental literacy outcomes for students in Minnesota by conducting effective oversight and evaluation of its authorized schools, providing strategic support to schools, and making informed and merit-based decisions about its portfolio of charter schools.
The authorizing vision of OW is to authorize a portfolio of high performing charter schools that instill a connection and commitment to the environment in their school communities, while working towards a healthy planet where all people live in balance with the Earth.
Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center
Erin Anderson, Director of Charter School Authorizing
1730 New Brighton Blvd
Suite 104, PMB 196
Minneapolis, MN 55413
(612) 331-4181