Special Programs » Special Education

Special Education

Special Education

Aurora Charter School provides a continuum of educational service alternatives. All students with disabilities are provided special instruction and services, which are appropriate to meet their needs. The following is representative of Aurora Charter School’s method of providing special education services for the identified pupils, environment and location where special education service may occur and the instructional and related services that are available should they be required.


Appropriate program alternatives to meet the special education needs, goals, and objectives of a pupil are determined on an individual basis. Choices of specific program alternatives are based on the pupil’s current levels of performance, special educational needs, goals, and objectives, and must be written in the IEP. Program alternatives are comprised of the type of services provided, the setting in which services are located, and the amount of time and frequency in which special education services occur.


Special Education Support and Services:

  1. Direct instruction in general education setting
  2. Small group instruction in general education
  3. Direct 1:1 instruction in resource room
  4. Small group instruction in resource room
  5. Paraprofessional/Instructional Assistance support in general education
  6. Indirect instruction


Related Services available:

  1. Speech/Language and Articulation Therapy services
  2. Occupational Therapy services
  3. Psychological services/Behavior Skills
  4. Social Work/School Counseling services
  5. Deaf/Hard of Hearing services
  6. Audiological services
  7. Blind/Visual Impairment services
  8. Developmental Adaptive Physical Education (DAPE) services